His passing at the young age of 39 was a national tragedy. It remains so. Sadly, there are those who would use his good name in furthering causes which he would not have approved. Here's one example -- a video of a Pentagon spokesman claiming that Dr. King would have understood the necessity for the war in Afghanistan, along with a rebuttal in Dr. King's own words. Here is a link to one of Dr. King's most memorable moments -- his "I Have A Dream" speech delivered during the March on Washington on 28 August 1963.
REALITY IS BROKEN. That being the name of a new book by Jane McGonigal. The book is subtitled "Why Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change the World." I have not yet read it, but I intend to. In the meantime, here is a lively interview between McGonigal and Stephen Colbert. See what you think, eh?

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