OBAMA REVEALED. The blogger Liberal Gal recently posted 5 Truths Disillusioned Liberals Should Know About Obama. Her observations remind progressives like myself not only of the hard political realities which lie behind the appearance of Mr. Obama's caving in to Republicans, but also of his list of victories in the face of conservative stonewalling. It was a refreshing reality check, and worth reading for liberals and conservatives alike.
In a related video posted on the CBS News website, the president is shown at a closed-door fundraiser in Chicago (but with an open microphone), chastising the GOP's thugs in Congress for their behavior during the recent budget debate. Obama to GOP: Do You Think We're Stupid? I would like to see and hear more such frank responses sprinkled in among Obama's normal cool, composed public statements. I don't possess a fraction of his self-restraint. It would take a superhuman effort to refrain from bitch-slapping these Tea Party morons into next week.
10 WRITING RULES. Both common sense and tongue in cheek, the UK's Guardian posted In Your Own Write: The Ten Rules for Excellent Writing. They are elegant in their simplicity, and applicable to writing fiction, journalism, blogs, children's stories, or science. The last four rules made me laugh out loud. Enjoy.

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